Sweetheart Vase of Flowers


Introducing the Sweetheart vase, a kaleidoscope of love and charm! Swirls of pink and white flowers create a symphony of beauty, all wrapped up and ready to make someone’s day. This handcrafted piece is more than just a gift; it’s a statement, a gesture, a beautiful way to say, “You matter!” Fancy a different hue? We’ve got you covered! Just contact our shop, and we’ll artfully arrange your favourite colour combination to match the occasion or the recipient’s taste. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or ‘just because’ moments, our Sweetheart vase is waiting to add a splash of joy to your celebrations! πŸŒΊπŸ’
SKU WD-17094 Categories ,

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Roses for Valentine's Day

We’ve received some new stock of roses but, that stock is very limited now so, please, if you’d like to order roses for delivery or collection from the shop, please call us first on 01227 740067.

Thank you.

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