Celebration Bouquet


Looking for the perfect floral embrace? Our hand-tied bouquets have got you covered, starting at just Ā£40.00 for a stunning standard bouquet! But why stop there? Explore our blooming marvellous range with options for everyone: šŸŒ¼ Medium: A sprinkle of more charm for those extra special moments. šŸ’Ž Luxury: An upgraded embrace of elegance that makes a statement. šŸ‘‘ Deluxe: The ultimate floral fantasy, a bouquet fit for royalty. Each option brings its unique flair, weaving together a symphony of flowers that’s sure to dazzle. Go on, pick the one that sings to you, and let the floral magic begin! šŸŽµšŸŒ¹šŸŽ
SKU WD-6193 Categories , ,

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Roses for Valentine's Day

We’ve received some new stock of roses but, that stock is very limited now so, please, if you’d like to order roses for delivery or collection from the shop, please call us first on 01227 740067.

Thank you.

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