Bright Seasonal Bouquet


You can’t fail to impress with this popular, bright, seasonal bouquet that’s a true celebration of colour and cheer! Think pink with blushing roses, add a sunny splash with yellow Gemini, mix in the allure of Alstroemeria, and top it off with the quirky charm of Kermit. Together, they dance in a kaleidoscope of the brightest and best, where only the most vibrant blossoms take centre stage. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just because this bouquet promises to bring a smile and light up any room! 🌹💛💖🌟
SKU WD-6497 Categories ,

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Roses for Valentine's Day

We’ve received some new stock of roses but, that stock is very limited now so, please, if you’d like to order roses for delivery or collection from the shop, please call us first on 01227 740067.

Thank you.

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